Renting a Tenor Saxophone
Rent your tenor saxophone from
Art’s Music Shop
Most beginners on tenor saxophone start their musical journey by renting a tenor saxophone from a retail music store.

The Benefits of
Renting a Tenor Saxophone
from Art’s Music Shop
When you rent your tenor saxophone from Art’s Music Shop, you are allowed to switch instruments (with director approval) at minimal or no additional cost to you. Art’s Music Shop will be there to help you make the transition to another quality instrument easy. While most students may stay with the tenor saxophone, there are situations that arise where a few players may need to switch to another instrument.
Art’s Music Shop wants your child’s musical experience to be a good one, and that’s why we want your child to have the best possible tenor saxophone available, so that they start off right from the very beginning.
Art’s Music Shop ensures your child will receive a quality tenor saxophone that will play properly and in tune. We make available to rent a full range of tenor saxophones – from beginner models to upper-level, intermediate instruments, as well as both new and reconditioned tenor saxophones, so that you can have choices in making the decision about what is the best for your child.
Art’s Music Shop sends a representative to your school, who visits regularly to check on instruments;* our service representatives will make adjustments and small repairs to your tenor saxophone at no charge, for as long as you have it.
Art’s Music Shop‘s (optional) Repair & Replacement plan keeps your child’s tenor saxophone playing well and replaces it if it is lost or stolen. In addition, Art’s has a state of the art repair facility, where the tenor saxophone can be properly repaired for its lifetime. Plus, a one year warranty covers most problems and adjustments that occur.
Renting your tenor saxophone from Art’s Music Shop allows time for you to see how serious your child is in their desire to play in the school band, before making a big monetary commitment to a particular instrument.
In most cases your rental payments can apply to the purchase of the tenor saxophone that you choose to rent for your child.
Renting a tenor saxophone from Art’s Music Shop is simple, easy, and the least expensive way to secure one for your child, especially with our auto-draft payment plan. You rent the tenor saxophone for as long as you like (subject to a four month minimum), yet you may return it to Art’s Music Shop at any time, should your child drop out of band and no longer need the instrument.
*We visit your school if you are on our service list.
we are in your band room:
♦ Providing routine service to our instruments
♦ Making scheduled deliveries of supplies and accessories
♦ Checking on your child’s instrument regularly
♦ We attend many of your band’s events
we are as close as your cell phone
♦ Place an order with us – and pay over the phone, or pay after items are delivered to the school
we always provide free…
♦ Minor repairs and adjustments to our instruments
♦ Inspections on instruments that may need repair
♦ Estimates on all repairs before service is performed
♦ Pick up and delivery on any instrument we repair
we sell (& lease to own):
♦ Quality, upperline instruments so that your child can grow into the preferred instrument of choice
♦ Superior products and offer professional services – since 1905