Top Tones for the Trumpeter [30 Modern Etudes] (Smith, WM)


SKU: O2487
Publisher: Carl Fischer Music
Delivery Method: Print
Product Type: Methods and Studies
Weight: 0.55 lbs.
UPC: 7-98408-02623-3
ISBN: 978-0-8258-2623-8



These studies have been written to provide the ambitious student with material with which to carry on beyond the point where most methods and study books leave off, after which point the player is either compelled to continue on his own or is left with the idea that, having conquered all of the material at hand, he is well equipped to enter the ranks of professional players.

However, these days the demands made upon brass players are beyond anything contained in the older methods, material which, however necessary for the student to conquer during the first years of study, was certainly never intended to develop the player to the point of present-day demands upon his lip, tongue, and breath.

The pieces in this book were written as studies, not as musical compositions, that include, in more or less profusion, such figures as the student will be apt to meet with during the course of an active career. The studies are generally tuneful and pleasant in character.

This book is not intended for beginners or students who have not already developed a good technique and strong embouchure by their work in the methods such as Arban’s and St. Jacome’s. It is intended for advanced players who have gone beyond the ordinary material and who are looking for exercises with which to develop higher register, extra technique and extra familiarity with the keys.

[An item in Art’s Music Shop’s suggested “Essentials for the Advancing Player(s) List“]

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